Assemblymember Rudy Salas recently earned the American GI Forum's Legislator of the Year Award.
Assemblymember Rudy Salas recently earned the American GI Forum's Legislator of the Year Award.
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Assemblymember Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) received the 2016 Legislator of the Year Award from the American GI Forum (AGIF) of California. AGIF is a congressionally chartered veterans and civil rights organization. Its motto is "Education is Our Freedom and Freedom should be Everybody's Business.”

“I am honored to be a part of the work that the American GI Forum does to ensure veterans have access to education and services via the GI Bill of Rights,” said Salas. “I am humbled to receive this award and honored to work alongside our servicemen and women who fought for our freedom and continue to fight for our veterans day-in and day-out.”

“We really enjoy working with Assemblyman Rudy Salas because he fights for our veterans and understands the issues that are important to us. We can always count on Rudy to put veterans first,” said Frederick A. Romero, 1st Vice Commander, AGIF of California.

Assemblyman Salas was chosen for his leadership, support, and dedication to the veterans and service members in California. In selecting Salas for this award, the AGIF took particular note of Salas’ consistent record of supporting and championing measures that ensure benefits and services are available to veterans and their families throughout the state.

Last year, Salas fought to secure $5.6 million to support County Veterans Service Officers in addressing the continued claims backlog. Salas has also ushered several bills into law that ensure jobs for veterans including AB 114 which awarded $15 million dollars for job training, with preference given to veterans and disadvantaged youth, and AB 556 which protects veterans from employment discrimination based on past or current military service.

Salas was recognized for his contributions at the American GI Forum Legislative Day during a special ceremony on May 25th in Sacramento.