West Hills College Coalinga has launched a Clothing and Hygiene Pantry for West Hills College Coalinga and North District Center students and is now seeking donations for the pantry.

The pantry will be located on campus and is now accepting donations of clothes, hygiene items like soap, body wash, and detergent and monetary donations. 


“As an institution, WHCC gives its students the best opportunity to be successful in their coursework with support services,” said Alex Villalobos, WHCC Director of Residential Living & Student Activities. “The pantry is another support service which will meet WHCC students’ needs, so they can also be successful outside of the classroom.”

All items donated will be cleaned, sorted and displayed in the clothing pantry, located in the R building on campus. Monetary donations to get the project off the ground are also appreciated.

Items can be dropped off to Alex Villalobos, ASB advisor, in Gordon Residence Hall on the WHCC campus. The residence hall is located adjacent to the parking lot on Elm St. Call Alex at (559) 934-2373 or alexjvillalobos@whccd.edu.