By The Leader Staff
Stuart Lyons runs in District A
Stuart Lyons runs in District A

To provide the voters of Lemoore with important information about their candidates for Lemoore City Council, The Leader has requested that each of the candidates take a few minutes during their campaigns to answer a few questions about issues pertinent to the City of Lemoore and how they planned to address or highlight those issues.

The Leader emailed a series of questions and asked them to respond in writing. The responses are their own.

Why are you running for a seat on the Lemoore City Council? Was or is there a specific issue that angered you, that you questioned, or is it simply a desire to serve your community?

I am running for City Council District A because of my desire to serve my community. As I stated in response to your previous inquiry, I have served this community for more than 16 years and continue to do so as a Volunteer Firefighter putting my life on the line serving this city. I see being a councilmember as an extension of my service to the City of Lemoore and as a positive difference. 

As you know economic prosperity is always an issue for Lemoore. Based on its size and population and its proximity to Hanford, Visalia, and Fresno (and other cities), it has been difficult to attract retail business. How would you counter-act this disability? What would you do to improve Lemoore’s economic climate?

This is something that Lemoore definitely needs a new set of eyes for. We need restaurants and a variety of options. I have no personal relationships that will influence me to ignore this necessity. We need "different" new businesses. I will work together with the council to create ideas to generate appeal for restaurants/business owners to come to Lemoore. Also, businesses already established need incentives to remain in Lemoore. We need to begin with making Lemoore look less desolate. Our streets, sidewalks, landscaping and more have been in need of repair for years. I plan to work with the planning commission to create a business friendly environment.      

Name what you feel is a challenging issue or issues that Lemoore may face in the near future: water, jobs, education, police, fire, taxes, etc.?

All of the above. These are all issues that Lemoore is and has been facing...

In your opinion, is Lemoore in a positive place right now, or are there issues that need to be addressed that may or may not have an effect on the future of this city.

No, I do not think Lemoore is in a positive place. We are approaching a critical state and without change in our city's representatives there may be worse to come. The morale of the city  of Lemoore and the faith and confidence that our citizens have in the council elected to represent them is at an all time low. The Incumbent alienated the community’s asset of the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department, proposed tax increase and deficit spending. He publicly admitted and claimed responsibility for the adversarial relationship with the LVFD. This situation is unprecedented in the last 96 years. The concept of creation of a paid fire department was real and would bankrupt the city and affect homeowners’ insurance. The current state and morale of Lemoore is another reason I chose to run for City Council District A.   

What is the first thing you would seek to change, or improve upon if elected?

The first thing I will seek to change and improve upon is creating unity within the council and staff. This is vital to improve and implement positive changes that Lemoore needs. We need the council and staff working together to get the best results for our town. Leadership is not just about one, two or three people in a group. Leading a group of people or an organization successfully involves mutual respect, the ability and willingness to listen not just to be heard and fair consideration of all citizens of Lemoore.

Do you feel Lemoore is a safe community? Why or why not?

Yes, I feel Lemoore is a safe community. The crime rate speaks for itself. The Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department and Police Department are aligned with the commitment to serve and protect this city. However; there are a few public safety issues that need to be address and corrected. For example, there are ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance issues on almost every corner that have a dire need of being brought to ADA compliance. There are also a few hazardous situations that need to be addressed.

Were there any organizations or individuals that urged you to run for city council? Whom or what organizations are supporting your campaign?

I am honored to have the support and endorsement of so many exemplary members and organizations of this great community. I am motivated by my supporters shared and indisputable love for this city. I aim to help make this small town great again! Some people say heart isn't enough, but I feel that without heart and passion one can easily be swayed by those less concerned with ALL of Lemoore and more motivated by personal affiliations. Was I urged by the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department to run? No, I was not! I, myself felt the urgency to run yet; I do have the full support of the LVFD.

During a recent Lemoore City Council meeting, the Council, by a 4-1 vote, censured a fellow councilmember, an action that no previous council had ever undertaken. In your opinion, did the Lemoore City Council act appropriately?

I, along with many other citizens of Lemoore feel that there is not just 1 councilmember at the root of all of this chaos seen within the current council. That is all I am going to comment on this topic.         

Any final thoughts that may not have been asked, but that you feel is an important issue, program, or need?

I am a hardworking, life-long citizen of Lemoore. I attended all local schools, including Lemoore High School. After high school, I began working full-time while I attended classes at West Hills. I began my career with the California Department of Corrections in 2004. I have been serving as a Fire Captain the past 5 years. My line of work enables me to work closely with people of all ranks and walks of life. In 2002, I committed to serving my community through devoting myself to public service by becoming a firefighter with the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department. I have served in many leadership roles including, President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Crew Captain these past 16+ years with the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department. I continue to volunteer as a Crew Captain for the city of Lemoore because of my genuine love for this city. Being able to help the members of my community in their most desperate and vulnerable times has fueled an even greater desire to serve.

This is my first time running for an elected office. I choose to spend a majority of my campaign knocking on doors, talking one-on-one with the voters of District A because I believe it is the most effective way to connect with my constituents. I am 40-years-old and don't see my age or lack of political experience as a downfall. I believe that diversity and a variety of experience in a council is pertinent to ensure decision making is unbiased, non-partisan, and in the best interests of the city.  

 I intend on bringing an impartial and open mind to the table. I am willing to work side-by-side with the other council members and staff to find resolutions that best suit the needs of our city and that will help improve the preservation, development and overall future growth of Lemoore. 

Lyons is a 16-year veteran of the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department who, with wife Mona, enjoy life with their three rescue dachshunds. He is a Lemoore High School grad and attended West Hills College. He works for the State of California as a fire captain.