The Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino contributed $11,614 to Links for Life, a non-profit providing programs, services and education to individuals and families affected by breast cancer.
The Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino contributed $11,614 to Links for Life, a non-profit providing programs, services and education to individuals and families affected by breast cancer.
Photo Courtesy Palace Hotel and Casino

Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino recently presented Links for Life with a check for $11,614 with funds raised at its monthly community breakfast and through breast cancer awareness t-shirt sales. Links for Life is a non-profit organization that provides programs, services and education for individuals and families affected by breast cancer.

 Custom Tachi Thinks Pink shirts were sold at Lino’s Gift Shop from August 1 through October 26, raising a total of $6,258. An additional $2,678 was raised at the door of the breakfast and Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino and the Santa Rosa Rancheria Tribe matched and rounded up that amount to $5,356, bringing the grand total to $11,614. 

 More than 450 people attended the fundraising breakfast where Links for Life Program Director Kathy Mittleider was on hand to accept the donation.

 “Thank you, Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino, for your support and concern about breast cancer,” said Mittleider. “Your involvement in community organizations is incredible and the Links for Life organization thanks you for all your commitment to women’s health issues.”

 Tachi Palace is proud to be celebrating its 35th anniversary of giving back to the community. The next community breakfast will be held on Friday, November 16, and will benefit Toys for Tots. Tachi Palace hosts a monthly community breakfast that features a buffet, informative community news and business networking, as well as raffle prizes.

Attendees are encouraged to make a minimum donation of $5 and all contributions benefit a featured organization. For more information, visit