Baby Davina, first baby born in Kings County in 2019.
Baby Davina, first baby born in Kings County in 2019.
Photo Courtesy of Adventist Health

Baby Davina wasn’t ready to arrive on her scheduled due date of Dec. 24, 2018. Instead, she waited to make her debut on New Year’s Day! The seven-pound, seven-ounce bundle of joy arrived at 2:13 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2019, at the Adventist Health Hanford Birth Center.

Since Armona’s Samantha and Miguel, Sr. were expecting a baby at any moment, they decided to stay home and watch movies with their four other children, ages 8, 7, 5 and 2. Their 5-year-old son, Miguel Jr., is the only boy, and according to mom, he wasn’t too pleased with the news of another baby sister.

“He cried when he found out early on that the baby was a girl,” said Samantha. “He didn’t want another baby sister.”

The children also weren’t too thrilled about having to go to the hospital on New Year’s Eve but were happy to see baby sister arrive.

“I’m just blessed that she came out healthy,” says Samantha.

Davina’s name has special meaning. Miguel Sr.’s cousin, David, recently passed away and he wanted to pay tribute by giving his daughter a similar name.