The Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino will host the banquet on the third floor of the Bingo Hall.
Lemoore FFA Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raisers was established in 1989 as an alternative for students that were interested in raising an animal but did not have the desire or the ability to raise a traditional livestock project animal.
The main job as a Lemoore FFA Guide Dog Puppy Raiser is to teach a puppy good manners and provide socialization experiences that will allow the puppy to become a successful Guide Dog for the Blind.
As volunteer raisers, the FFA receives 8-12 week old puppies that are either Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers or Labrador/Golden Retriever crosses, and care for them until they are between 15 and 17 months old. Puppies are taken on outings to experience public transportation, go to the movies, attend school, church, visit restaurants, shopping malls or other public places with raisers to get the puppies comfortable in many different environments.
When puppies are between 15 and 17 months of age, they will be returned to Guide Dogs for the Blind’s San Rafael, California or Boring, Oregon campus for several months of formal training by a licensed Guide Dog trainer.
Tickets are available at the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce at 300 E Street or call 559-924-6401. Tickets are $55 per person or &65 per person after Jan. 4.