Letter: Councilmember's social media post inappropriate, could bring harm to officers says Police Officers' Association

The members of the Lemoore Police Officers Association are saddened by some very unfortunate actions, and thoughts by a member of the Lemoore City Council that we feel are inappropriate and potentially could bring harm to members of the Lemoore Police Department and the law enforcement community in general.

On Friday, February 15, 2019, a member of our association, saw a Facebook Post from Holly Andrade Blair that contained a photograph of the Holly Blair I recognized as being a Lemoore City Council Member. The POST indicated that Holly Blair had updated her cover photo. The photo that Holly Blair had updated depicted a portion of an electric guitar, and on the guitar was a sign or sticker that read VANDALISM; BEAUTIFUL AS A ROCK IN A COP’S FACE. The member after seeing this Post became very concerned for the safety of the police department and was taken aback by the Post, that in essence, applauded violence towards police officers. The member was shocked that Holly Blair, a member of the Lemoore City Council, would Post a picture or message of total disrespect toward law enforcement and the employees that Holly Blair represents as a Lemoore City Council Member.

Violence towards police officers is a real issue in today’s society, and the fact that Holly Blair is seen as an advocate of that violence adds to our concern, due to the fact, that Holly Blair, as a Lemoore City Council Member, can be viewed by many as a leader in this city government. That view of Holly Blair as a leader in city government may make a member of the public believe that violence towards police officers is not only condoned by city government but is also an acceptable response to police officers.

Police officers are sworn to protect members of the public and take their oath to serve and protect as an obligation that they truly believe in and will make that ultimate sacrifice to save another’s life. When members see a posting from a city council member that believes violence towards a police officer is, in her words, beautiful, our members are extremely saddened and feel that her lack of support for our members is dangerous. We love this community and will do anything to protect its citizens from harm, but we feel that Holly Blair’s comments place our members in greater harm and could cause one of its members to be hurt by her actions. All city employees are governed by City of Lemoore Personnel System Guidelines that, in section 11.2 subsection 2, indicate that it is a violation of any city employee to be discourteous or have disrespectful treatment of other employees, customers, suppliers, or visitors. There is no doubt that Holly Blair, by this and many other posts and actions, is discourteous and has shown disrespectful treatment of our members, and this must stop for the good and reputation of our community, our association, and the city we love, serve and protect.

Lemoore Police Officers Association

Mark Pescatore, Executive Board