The Hanford Lions Club is inviting the public to its first Happy-Holi Color-Fun event for 2019. The local club is asking others to “join hands together” with the Hanford Breakfast Lions Club, celebrating its 60th anniversary.

Help Hanford Lions celebrate 60th anniversary with color, dance, music, fellowship April 7

The event will be held on April 7, 2019, Sunday, and the Hanford Civic Park, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will feature color, dance, music, vendors, food, fellowship, and fun.

Tickets at $12 for 12 years and older and $7 for kids between 5 and 11 are available. Space is also open for vendors with a flat fee of $50. All donations will help Lions support community and local student scholarships. For more information contact Lion Kevin Patel at (704) 267—9583, or