After conducting an extensive and thorough recruitment effort, The Kings County Board of Supervisors this week announced the appointment of Lupe Villa to the position of Kings County Registrar of V

oters, effective July 15, 2019.    

The registrar of voters has the primary responsibility for conducting primary, general, and special elections within Kings County. The department has a total staff of six positions to accomplish this mission.  

Lupe began his career with Kings County in 1995.  During his time of service with the County of Kings, he gained invaluable experience in many areas of county operations including project management, conflict resolution, internal, criminal and civil rights investigations, program implementation and in various administrative functions. 

He had the privilege to serve in various positions within the Kings County Human Services Agency, his last position was as a program manager in the Administration Division.  Lupe states, “I will proudly and faithfully serve all of our Kings County residents and will ensure that we adhere to all legal and ethical aspects of every election within Kings County.”

Lupe is the proud parent of two children, 18 and 23 years of age, and he is a proud grandparent of a beautiful baby girl.