By The Leader Staff
A full complement of Kings Lions Club members join Lemoore Stadium Cinemas staff after another successful 'Movies with Santa' held Saturday morning as over 1000 cans of food were gathered for local charities.
A full complement of Kings Lions Club members join Lemoore Stadium Cinemas staff after another successful 'Movies with Santa' held Saturday morning as over 1000 cans of food were gathered for local charities.

Over 250 children and adults took got an early Christmas present Saturday morning when the Lemoore Stadium Cinemas and the Kings Lions Club sponsored the annual Movies with Santa. The only admission was four cans of food.

Lemoore Stadium Cinemas donated one theater, while the Kings Lions purchased the second. The recipients of this largesse are God’s Breadbox and Lemoore Christian Aid.

Boxes of canned food raised at Saturday's 'Movies with Santa" sponsored by Lemoore Stadium Cinemas and the Kings Lions Club.
Boxes of canned food raised at Saturday's 'Movies with Santa" sponsored by Lemoore Stadium Cinemas and the Kings Lions Club.
Photo Courtesy Kings Lions Club

According to Kings Lions, over 1,000 cans of food were collected from the kids and their parents as they filed into two theaters to watch the Disney classic, Frozen II.

Once the movies were completed, 26 Kings Lions Club members proceeded to distributed 30 gifts in each theater, including four bikes, helmets, toys, and gift cards.