By The Leader Staff
The Kings County Health Department reports no instances of Coronavirus in Kings County or neighboring counties.
The Kings County Health Department reports no instances of Coronavirus in Kings County or neighboring counties.

As the “new” Novel Coronavirus continues to raise health advisory alarms around the globe, local officials have decided to inform Kings County residents about the recently discovered virus. So far the virus is not in Kings and neighboring counties.

The Coronavirus reportedly began as an outbreak of respiratory illnesses in the city of Wuhan, Huebei Province, China. Health officials say the virus has managed to spread, including to the United States, where health officials have reported isolated cases.

Kings County Health Department authorities have issued a local update. On that note, Kings County Health Officer Dr. Milton Teske issued a press release Friday indicating that “to date, there have been no suspected cases in Kings County or in any of our neighboring counties.”

Teske said that Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people, similar to the common cold, and others are found in animals. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a newly identified virus that originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. 

The Kings County Health Department states that individuals who have traveled to China or have been in close contact with individuals who recently traveled from China are considered possibly at risk. Symptoms of the virus include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties, which may occur between two and 14 days after exposure.

Dr. Teske recommends that if you have been in China or around someone who has traveled there within the last two weeks, and you develop symptoms, call your doctor first for further information. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and global health authorities, there were 9,658 cases in China and six in the United States as of January 31, 2020. To date, there have been no suspected cases in Kings County or in any of our neighboring counties. The people who have been sick are between 15 and 81 years old. There have been 213 deaths in China confirmed due to this outbreak. More severe symptoms have been occurring in those who are older. 

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) does NOT recommend routine quarantine of returning travelers from China. CDPH states the immediate health risk from the novel Coronavirus to the general public in California is low, and there is no evidence of sustained person-to-person transmission of the virus in the US. One instance of person-to-person transmission was confirmed yesterday in Chicago, but it was with a close household contact. 

As a general precaution to protect yourself and others from getting sick, wash your hands with soap and running water or alcohol-based hand rub, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. 


Kings County Health Department reports no cases of Coronavirus in Central Valley counties