Tachi Palace Casino Resort remains temporarily closed as worries persist about spread of COVID-19

Tachi Palace Casino Resort officials announced the hotel, casino, and Coyote Entertainment Center remain temporarily closed to the public, as they continue to prioritize the health and wellness of guests and staff amid concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Yokut Gas, located next to Tachi Palace Casino Resort, remains open and recently implemented new safety measures including offering full-service gas upon request. In addition, slot machines located in the convenience store are no longer available for play.

The store also is honoring the six feet distancing rule and a plexiglass shield has been added at the point of sale counter.

Resort officials will continue to follow directives from the Centers for Disease Control and local public health authorities and will make additional adjustments to its policies as needed in the future.

“The health and safety of our guests and team members remain our top priority as we continue to closely track all developments related to the pandemic,” said Michael Olujic, General Manager of Tachi Palace Casino Resort.”

Tachi Palace Casino Resort remains temporarily closed as worries persist about spread of COVID-19