Suspect Felipe Dejesus Acosta Castro
Suspect Felipe Dejesus Acosta Castro

On Sunday, September 20, at approximately 11 p.m., Kings County Sheriff's deputies assisted the Kings County Fire Department in investigating a wildland fire discovered on the north side of Highway 41 between Old Skyline Road and Interstate 5, just south of Kettleman City.

Fire officials told deputies upon the fire department's arrival at the scene of the fire that they discovered a male standing nearby. The male approached them with his hands in the air and told fire officials he started the fire with a lighter to be arrested and then deported to Mexico.

The suspect, Felipe Dejesus Acosta Castro, explained that the fire made his pants too hot, and he removed them.

According to fire officials, approximately 200 acres had burned at that stage in the investigation. Investigators were unable to locate Felipe's pants and the lighter. They would attempt to find them the following day during the daylight hours. 

Deputies booked Castro into Kings County Jail on three counts of felony arson. His bail was set at $130,000.