I'd read where our Representative TJ Cox had recently paid any and all taxes that he'd owed. But on this evening, as I type this letter, I see a TV ad by a local Republican blog or something called The Sun, I believe, telling me that TJ Cox owes $145K in taxes.

Huh? Didn't he just pay those taxes?

Wait a minute.

I thought politicians' taxes were none of our business now, given the POTUS had all but declared that HE did not have to admit whether he pays taxes or not. Now it's being reported that he paid virtually no taxes for 20 years and owes hundreds of millions to God-knows-whom. He pretty much has to stay in office to keep from going to prison it would seem. How did he even become president in the first place?

What gives?

I hope voters see what has happened, and that lying political ads are an affront to our collective intelligence.

Representative Cox made a mistake and has atoned for it. He acted to fix a dynamic business oversight as quickly as anyone could expect while not bankrupting his enterprises.

Before serving in Congress, Representative Cox earned a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering and a Master of Business Administration. Building community service projects, he's opened community medical clinics in the region, providing health care to over 40,000 Central Valley residents and over 1,500 living-wage jobs. He's shown he can perform effectively in Congress as our representative and has earned our trust in that endeavor as he has for decades right here in our communities.

TJ Cox is the son of Filipino and Chinese immigrants, a family doing all the right things to live the American dream through hard work, education, and perseverance.

He doesn't deserve the smear tactics by local GOP political operatives in place to promote Trump acolytes, Nunes and Valadao.

I hope we can re-elect TJ Cox. He very much deserves it.

Stephen Tarr
