District C Candidate Thomas Nix
District C Candidate Thomas Nix

To provide the voters of Lemoore with important information about their candidates for Lemoore City Council, The Leader has requested that each of the candidates take a few minutes during their campaigns to answer a few questions about issues pertinent to the city of Lemoore and how they plan to address or highlight those issues.

Thomas Nix is a small business owner. The Leader hopes that their responses will help voters make the right choices on Election Day, Nov. 3.

Why are you running for a seat on the Lemoore City Council? Was or is there a specific issue that angered you, that you questioned, or is it simply a desire to serve your community?

Lemoore is a wonderful community that I was raised in and came back to after 5 years of serving on submarines in the U.S. Navy.  I would like to see the town continue to grow in a safe and positive direction. 

As you know, economic prosperity is always an issue for Lemoore. Based on its size and populations and its proximity to Hanford, Visalia, and Fresno (and other communities), it has been difficult to attract retail business. How would you counteract this disability? What would you do to improve Lemoore’s economic climate? 

As a small business owner, I have experienced first-hand how difficult it can be to open a business here in Lemoore.  We should have a roundtable with current business owners/managers (both large & small) to discuss pain points and successful practices.  This will help Lemoore develop business relationships and become more attractive to businesses as well as identify how the city can improve their approach to all businesses.  More businesses would bring more visitors to our city and keep our citizens shopping here. 

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Name what you feel is a challenging issue or issues that Lemoore may face in the near future: water, jobs, education, police, fire, taxes, etc.?

The two biggest issues are the cost of living in the city is going up quickly, and there is a lack of skilled jobs to support better income. The cost of living increase is driven in part because of California requirements, but the city hasn't helped. While working to improve services, the city has increased water and refuse rates by 60% in the past two years, which is burdensome for those on fixed incomes. Household median income is about $55,000, while the average 2-bedroom house rents for $1700, taking up nearly 40% of average income. In 2018, the city increased the rates for permits to be comparable. We have a beautiful college campus that serves nearly 5,000 students annually, giving a better-educated workforce opportunity to companies looking to do business in Lemoore. 

In your opinion, is Lemoore in a positive place right now, or are there issues that need to be addressed that may or may not affect the future of this city? 

The long-term growth plan of Lemoore has changed several times in the past decade, making it difficult for businesses and residents to set and achieve long-term goals.  The voice of the residents is often not being heard at the City, prior to recommendations from the City to the Council.  

What is the first thing you would seek to change or improve upon if elected?

I would work on improving Lemoore's outreach to citizens, so they are aware of developments going on in the city and how it may impact them.  This was started as a monthly mailer, and I would like to see it grow.  I would also work to make it easier to get more businesses in Lemoore while ensuring long-term goals are set and achieved. 

Do you feel Lemoore is a safe community? Why or why not?

Yes.  We have a great Police Department & Fire Department that keeps us safe.  Growing up here, there are lots of people who care about this city and the people in it. 

Any final thoughts that may not have been asked, but that you feel is an important issue, program, or need? 

Having been raised here and a resident for over 25 years, I would like for Lemoore to grow and prosper. I plan on continuing to raise my children here and am devoted to making Lemoore a better place for all.