I am urging the citizens of Lemoore to Vote Yes on Measure K. Measure K is a temporary, one-percent sales tax that will fund public safety in the City of Lemoore. Upon voter approval, a community oversight board will be established in order to safeguard the revenues generated and verify those revenues are used for its intended purposes.

Unfortunately, we are facing unprecedented times, and this short term sales tax will ensure the citizens of Lemoore continue to receive the level of service we expect but more so deserve when it comes to public safety. Crime across the country continues to rise. The City of Lemoore has seen its fair share of crime in 2020. Most recently, a homicide occurred within the City. Only because of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Lemoore Police Department, working in partnership with the community, the homicide suspects were identified. One suspect was captured and is currently awaiting extradition from Texas.  An arrest warrant has been issued for the second suspect. At this time, police personnel have logged over 320 hours of overtime working this case and will continue to do so until the second suspect is apprehended. I share this just to point out the level of service provided by the department and what should be expected by all citizens of Lemoore.

I believe our community to be unique. The citizens of Lemoore have always partnered with the Lemoore Police Department. We don’t see the same things taking place in other cities across the country because of the relationships we have built over time. Our community has always supported the police department, and in turn, the members of the police department understand how sacred this level of trust and support is.

As a citizen of Lemoore, I take comfort in the level of service the Lemoore Police Department provides. Lemoore is a safe community in which I have chosen to raise my children in. I ask that you join me in voting yes on Measure K so we can continue to enjoy the peace of mind a safe community provides. 


Mike Kendall

(Mike Kendall is Lemoore's police chief)