Supervisor Verboon's letter dated October 16 derides certain organizations such as Indivisible and the Natural Resources Defense Council whose mission it is to "... safeguard the Earth, its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends." For example; its supporters (spiritual and financial) (are) there to improve and protect our nation's environmental health.

Many among our families and neighbors are followers of these organizations. Indeed, millions across the nation.

Indivisible organization states its purpose to elect progressive leaders, protect our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda. No less worthy a cause than the Heritage Foundation whose mission states to "... formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom …"  

Actually, among the differences between those two is that one is heavily funded by wealthy donors while the others get its financial support from like-minded followers working to heal and protect what remains of our nation's democracy.

His disdainful reference only serves to paint himself as one more like a Boss Hogg character, functioning only to serve HIS people and not the whole of his otherwise culturally diverse district and a truly culturally and racially diverse county in California. It is conduct unbecoming an elected official in the United States, rather an official from a 3rd-world banana republic.

Donald J. Trump would be proud of his malignant discourse, disseminating half-truths and totally false claims. The same Donald Trump whose former lawyer/fixer now serves a prison sentence for acting on his behalf, illegally paying a porn star hush money.

I hope he can learn to do better for his constituents, the people, rather than pick sides and scream epithets at the other. Sad.

Stephen Tarr
