By The Leader Staff
Kings County health officials announce improved Blueprint Tier change for Kings County

Kings County is moving up under California’s Blueprint for a Safe Economy, as state health officials on Tuesday reassigned Kings County from the “widespread” Purple Tier to the less restrictive “Substantial” Red Tier.

California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy framework determines which industries and businesses may open based on the county’s current risk tier status. The framework lays out the measures that each county must meet, based on indicators that capture disease burden, testing, health equity, and Statewide vaccination rates.

On Tuesday, March 30, Kings County was reassigned from the “Widespread” Purple Tier to the less restrictive “Substantial” Red Tier. 

State and county officials say that beginning March 31, the following sectors may modify their reopening status in accordance with the Red Tier assignment, provided they modify business practices to align with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) industry guidance:

The following Red Tier guidance will be effective April 1, 2020:

All sectors are required to follow industry-specific guidance on health and safety precautions.  For a detailed description of the required modifications in each sector, visit For detailed information about Kings County’s current status and what businesses can open, visit type “Kings” in the Find County field and click “Get Latest Status.” 

The reopening status of the following sectors has not changed with the current Tier assignment:

To remain on the path of reopening and minimize the spread of COVID-19, please remember to continue daily prevention practices that help slow the spread: