Great Prices
Thousands of new, gently-used books, CDs, and DVDs will be available. Most items are just $1. Titles include fiction, non-fiction, biography, children’s books, spirituality, romance, cooking, travel, home décor, tweens and teens, science fiction, and more. The books are clean and in good to perfect condition.
A special selection of outstanding quality large format “coffee table” books will be available starting at $5; these make an excellent addition to the home or office décor.
Friends of the Kings County Library are ambassadors, fundraisers, volunteers, and advocates for the seven libraries in Kings County and Kimbl, the mobile library. They serve as hosts at Library events and as Story Time readers. The Friends conducted used book sales to raise funds and accept financial contributions from individuals, businesses, and service clubs.
Since 1982 the community benefits the nonprofit organization has raised funds to buy books, computers, and furniture and to provide the six-week Children’s Summer Reading Program at every library in Kings County.
You can be involved too. Call 559-362-1254 for more information.