Uncovering and addressing any unmet transit need is required to allocate the Local Transportation Fund for Kings County public transit operators for which public participation is requested and encouraged.
The first public hearing was held on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The next public hearing will be on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 3 p.m. at the City of Hanford, City Council Chambers, in the Civic Auditorium at 400 N. Douty Street, Hanford.
KCAG has received claims for the FY 2023-24 Local Transportation Fund from the County of Kings and the cities of Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford, and Lemoore to use part of the Fund to support public transit. Up to 2% of the Local Transportation Fund may be used for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The remainder of the Fund may be claimed by the jurisdictions mentioned above to fund regional transportation planning activities partially and for the construction and maintenance of local streets and roads.
Copies of the claims and the adopted Kings County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) are available for review at the Kings County Association of Governments at 339 West D Street, Suite B, Lemoore, California.
An unmet public transit need is defined by KCAG as “at a minimum, exists where residents do not have access to private vehicles or other forms of transportation due to age, income, or disability to travel to medical care, shopping, social/recreational activities, education/training, and employment.” A finding of “no unmet transit needs” must make specific reference to the efforts undertaken in the development of the Regional Transportation Plan to identify the public transportation needs of the transit-dependent, especially the elderly, disabled, and low income.
Anyone interested in the FY 2023-24 Local Transportation Fund claims, or in identifying unmet transportation needs which can reasonably be met, is invited to appear and make statements, present evidence, or give their comments regarding the claims. Written comments may be submitted to KCAG before the hour and date of the hearings. Written comments should be addressed to the Kings County Association of Governments, Attention Terri King, Executive Director, 339 West D St., Suite B, Lemoore, CA 93245.