The Kings County Democratic Central Committee and the Kings County Jimmy Carter Democratic Club (KCJCDC), representing active voters, engaged citizens, and Democrats in Congressional Districts 22 and 20, vehemently denounce the recent act of vandalism at Congressman David Valadao’s office in Hanford, CA.

As concerned citizens deeply involved in civic engagement, we have regularly exercised our democratic rights by organizing peaceful protests at Congressman Valadao’s office. Our commitment to civic involvement and discourse has led us to engage with Congressman Valadao’s staff and, at times, directly with the congressman himself.

The conflict in Palestine and Israel is a historically complex issue that spans centuries. While acknowledging the right to dissent and critique governmental policies, we unequivocally condemn acts of vandalism as a means of protest. We firmly believe that using one’s voice, advocacy, and peaceful demonstrations are essential tools for expressing disagreement and fostering change within our government and society.

It is crucial to emphasize that the citizens of Palestine and Israel should not be equated with their respective governments. As progressive Democrats, we stand in opposition to terrorism at any level and advocate for a peaceful resolution to conflicts globally.

As active members of the community, we reiterate our dedication to advocating for constructive dialogue, fostering understanding, and promoting peaceful means of conflict resolution. We urge individuals to engage in respectful discourse and uphold the principles of civil disagreement in addressing complex and sensitive geopolitical issues.

The Kings County Democratic Central Committee and the Kings County Jimmy Carter Democratic Club are dedicated to supporting democratic values, advocating for social progress, and engaging in meaningful civic participation within our community.