Congressman David G. Valadao, who represents all of Kings County, released the following statement after voting today (Jan. 29) in support of H.R. 2642, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act:

“I am proud the House was able to pass a 5-year Farm Bill that improves agricultural programs by making them more cost-effective and market-oriented.

“Agriculture is an important industry in the Central Valley; passage of the Farm Bill is critical to our local economy and affects every family in our district. While this bill is not perfect, farmers and ranchers will now have the certainty they need to make decisions regarding their farms, allowing them to expand, grow, and create jobs.

“The bill protects state’s rights to regulate their marketplace and at my request creates and funds a Citrus Disease Subcommittee. Furthermore, the dairy provisions of the bill include my California Federal Milk Market Order legislation that will allow our California dairy industry to remain the leading dairy producer in the country.

“With the passing of the Farm Bill, farmers and ranchers in California, and across the country, will be able to continue to do what they do best - feed America’s families and the world.”

H.R. 2642, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 passed in the United States House of Representatives on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 by a vote of 251 – 166.