Kings County Supervisors Doug Verboon, Tony Barba, and Richard Fagundes have endorsed Assemblymember Rudy Salas for re-election to the 32nd Ass

embly District. The Kings County Supervisors join recent announcement of Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood and Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall in bi-partisan support of the re-election of Rudy Salas for Assembly.

Last year, Salas secured $15 million in the state budget for job training to combat unemployment.  He also worked to bring in local jobs through leading the charge to re-open multiple Community Correctional Facilities across the Central Valley.  These facilities keep prisoners behind bars and keep our streets safer.

Understanding the Central Valley, Salas made water a top priority.  He hosted several hearings inviting constituent input, rallying with legislative leaders and is a joint-author of the Clean, Safe and Reliable Water Supply Act of 2014 (AB 2686), a $9.25 billion water bond.

This new water bond will focus on long term solutions to the state’s water crisis to protect California’s agricultural industry and ensure that communities have access to safe drinking water.

“We as leaders need to have open lines of communication. Rudy has always been there and is working for the best interest of the residents of Kings County,” said Kings County Supervisor Doug Verboon.

“We have a great group of state legislators who are working hard for us,” said Supervisor Richard Fagundes. “I appreciate Rudy and all of the hard work he does for us.”

“It has been an honor to serve and represent the 32nd District” said Assemblymember Salas. “I truly appreciate the support of our supervisors and look forward to working with them to continue to fight for jobs, water, education, public safety, veterans, and quality health services for the Central Valley,” concluded Salas.