Aviator Memorial groundbreaking held at NAS Lemoore Operations Area

By Ed Martin, The Leader Editor
NAS Lemoore Commanding Officer Monte Ashliman is shown here with Drew Rhoads at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Aviator Memorial.
NAS Lemoore Commanding Officer Monte Ashliman is shown here with Drew Rhoads at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Aviator Memorial.
Photo by Bill Burris, Photography for Kings County

A memorial dedicated to Lemoore Naval aviators who died while serving their country is one step closer to completion thanks to the generosity of fellow aviators, local organizations and many individuals. A special groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday at the Naval Air Station Lemoore Operations area on Reeve’s Bypass, just south of the operations gate and Grangeville Blvd.

On hand were the aviators responsible for mounting this drive for an aviator memorial as well as NAS Lemoore Commanding Officer Monte Ashliman and a host of friends and dignitaries.

Two naval aviators stationed at the air station were inspired to form the NAS Lemoore Aviator Memorial Association last year, in part, to honor their friend and fellow pilot Lt. Matthew Ira Lowe, who was killed on April 6, 2011 while training. Weapons systems operator Lt. Nathan Hollingsworth Williams was also killed in the crash.

Lt. Cmdr. Erik Kenny, an aviator in the VFA-14 “Tophatters” squadron, and fellow aviator and friend Lt. Cmdr. Ben Charles were spurred to action by the death of their friend who perished in the accident and thought it was about time NAS Lemoore created a memorial for those aviators who died while serving here and embarked on a mission to get one created.

“We wanted a place that represented him and others, and honor them for what they did,” said Charles. “There is no memorial in Lemoore.”

The memorial will be a 7-foot tall bronze statue that overlooks one of the air station’s runways. The statue will be surrounded by memorial grounds, filled with donor bricks of those who donated to the cause.

In the long history of military aviation, Naval Air Station Lemoore has played an integral part. Many Lemoore Naval aviators have tragically given their lives, whether in combat over the skies of Vietnam or in unfortunate accidents.

Contribute to the Memorial visit www.facebook/naslemooreama or call 361-816-1986

When the two officers learned that other Navy bases had memorials, they decided that Lemoore needed one. They received permission from base commander Capt. Monty Ashliman, and then members of the outside community also jumped on board, including Kings County residents Guy Brautigam, Travis Lopes and Charlie Meyer, all of whom formed the nonprofit NASL Aviator Memorial Association and set a goal to raise $50,000 for the memorial.

Engraved bricks that will be set in a memorial walk are also available for $250. The aviator statue is a seven-foot bronze figure of an aviator wearing a flight suit and holding a helmet. It will overlook runway 32 L near the operations area on the base. Military and civilians will be allowed access day or night because the memorial will be located outside the operations area gates.

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