Following a months’ long search for a new public works director to replace recently retired David Wlaschin, Lemoore city officials on Monday announced that Nathan C. Olson, currently the operation’s manager for Blue Diamond Growers in Turlock, will take on the all-important job of public works director.
Olson will now be responsible for the public works department, including the divisions of storm water maintenance, water, building and construction, refuse, engineering and sewer; and serve as a member of the executive management team. Olson will join the team beginning November 9, 2015.
Olson brings a diversified background to the City of Lemoore. He possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix and has held various subsequent rolls in management. As operations manager for Blue Diamond Growers, he directs a team of 125 employees.
“We are very excited to welcome Nathan to our team,” said Lemoore City Manager Andi Welsh. “Not only will he bring a wealth of experience and talent, but he will bring a tighter focus on operational excellence and customer focus-philosophies. Nathan will also lead a number of important capital improvement projects to improve infrastructure, facilities and parks.”