Beautify downtown Lemoore with Adopt-a-Planter

Melanie Marsh and Wendy L'Herault tending to some downtown planters.
Melanie Marsh and Wendy L'Herault tending to some downtown planters.

Spring is here. Are you interested in beautifying Lemoore, particularly the city’s historic downtown? Volunteer in the ADOPT A PLANTER beautification program offered by the Recreation Department. There are 28 planters downtown where individuals, organizations, or businesses can become volunteers.

The city is looking for committed volunteers who will enjoy adding to the ambiance of our downtown and who will keep their planters in TIP-TOP SHAPE!

It’s time to either renew your current contract with the Recreation Department, which has currently expired or merely sign up for one.  A plaque will be placed in the planter after it has been adopted with the plaque inscription from the contract.

The Recreation Department has ADOPT A PLANTER brochures if you would like to read more about the program. You can also visit the Recreation Department website at or call 559.924.6744, Opt. 2.

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