Outgoing WHC Chancellor Kristin Clark high fives Lemoore College grads.
Photo by Gary Feinstein
Lemoore College—formerly known as West Hills College Lemoore—celebrated its largest graduating class on Friday, May 24, in the school's Golden Eagle Arena. The annual event, held at 6 p.m., was the largest graduating class in the college's history, as 445 WHC grads participated.
Lemoore College officials awarded more than 1,600 degrees and certificates. Among the graduates, 131 earned Silver Cords for grade point averages between 3.50 and 3.99, and twenty-seven were awarded Gold Cords for a perfect 4.0 grade point average.
"Our graduates have reached an extraordinary milestone, setting new records for our college," said Lemoore College President James Preston, a longtime fixture at the local school. "Their accomplishments reflect their unwavering commitment and hard work. We are honored to celebrate their success and look forward to seeing the impact they will make in their future endeavors."
The ceremony was live-streamed to accommodate those who could not attend in person.

A view from inside the Golden Eagle Arena during graduation.
Photo by Gray Feinstein

Lemoore College grads show off their diplomas to family and friends.
Photo by Gary Feinstein