They are the city’s new power couple, Lemoore’s own Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe and Kathy Neves and President Donald Trump and Steve Bannon – but on a much smaller scale. Keep reading...
A unique program to help residents improve the energy efficiency of their homes – including over 100 in Lemoore – without burgeoning the homeowners’ bank accounts, seems to have paid off - for most people. Keep reading...
The first baby born in Kings County is a girl, and the proud parents Tiffany, of Lemoore, and, Darrell, of Hanford, both of whom welcomed baby Shaylee into the world at 1:10 a.m. at the Family Birth Center at Adventist Medical Center - Hanford. Keep reading...
Students from high schools in Kings County got a first-hand view of how Kings County government works when
the Kings County Board of Supervisors invited students from several of the county’s high schools to attend the Annual Youth in County Government Day on Tuesday, November 8. Keep reading...
Lemoore’s Jesus Garcia has been spending a lot of time on airplanes lately. Garcia, and his wife Mary, recently took advantage of a much-improved rapprochement with Cuba, hopped on a jet and found themselves on Raul and Fidel Castro’s front door step, and of course a country where, for the past 56 years, few American tourists have ventured. Keep reading...
Lemoore High School agriculture teacher and Future Farmers of America advisor Matt Moreno is certainly enjoying his annual pilgrimage to the California Ag Teachers’ Association (CATA) annual conference in San Luis Obispo. Keep reading...
May 28 2016 - 10:59am
A former history teacher at Lemoore High School, Melody Downie-Dack, recently completed her Master of Arts in history with a 4.0 GPA while a graduate student at Fresno State University. The talented teacher also was selected as a Dean's Graduate Medalist for 2016. Keep reading...
Lilliana Toste, a senior from Lemoore majoring in Communicative Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology), was honored as the 2016 University Volunteer of the Year by the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning at Fresno State. Keep reading...