Just imagine if Abraham Lincoln, in addition to challenging the wrath of the South, had to contend with property owners and lawyers as he pondered the viability the Transcontinental Railroad – all this in his spare time as he stared down the Confederate Army and “preserved the union.” See Fresno Bee editorial Keep reading...
What is it about our country that immigrants – legal and illegal - want to pack their bags and hightail it here? It’s pretty much been that way since our founding. The United States has always been the destination of choice for immigrants, kind of like stopping for lunch at In-and-Out Burger on the way to Pismo Beach. For immigrants, America has always had the best burgers. Keep reading...
Just imagine if Abraham Lincoln, in addition to challenging the wrath of the South, had to contend with property owners and lawyers as he pondered the viability of the Transcontinental Railroad – all this in his spare time as he stared down the Confederate Army and “preserved the union.” Keep reading...
It’s been 50 years since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law. We’ve made a lot of progress since then, but as a working mom, I know that women still have a hard time getting ahead in the workplace. And, it’s no secret that financial insecurity is the #1 source of stress in Americans’ lives today. Keep reading...
There isn’t any real debate on whether Boys’ and Girls' Clubs can be an important link the development of a young boy or girl’s physical and academic development. The testimonials are there, from such heavyweights as National Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs spokesperson Denzel Washington to Condoleeza Rice, the former Secretary of State, and of course Colin Powel, who is a director along with Rice of the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of America. Keep reading...
After attendance at the Lemoore City Council information session in regard to the potential sale of the Lemoore City Municipal Golf Course to the Tachi-Yokut Native American Tribe, I have found myself very concerned at several levels in regard to such a sale and even more resolved that the sale is a bad business deal in many ways for the City of Lemoore. Keep reading...
I think the country is ready for a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which if I was charged with writing would read something like the following: No state, following the 10-year national census, may create congressional districts that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries to create partisan advantaged districts (Wikipedia). Keep reading...
The citizens of Lemoore are being shortchanged. Since the election a year ago that changed the voting makeup of the Lemoore City Council the good citizens of Lemoore have been swept aside so that the new power bloc, “wannabe” strong mayor Billy Siegel and his sidekick John Gordon, can foist their own political ideology on the city of Lemoore. Keep reading...
Since the collapse of our economy in 2008, we have slowly been rebuilding our nation’s highway to prosperity. The outlook appeared bleak in those first years of the Great Recession. Keep reading...
The Leader and its editor are perplexed that Councilmember John Gordon and Mayor Billy Siegel continue to refuse to answer questions posed by this newspaper. The mayor has gone so far as to politely hang up on me after recent attempts to call him. Neither does he respond to emails, instead issuing a terse “I received your email. Thank you.” Keep reading...