Former DA Greg Strickland wants his old job back, excoriates current incumbent

Can you give me your full name and age and marital status, children?
Greg Strickland married to Mary-Portugal Strickland for over 33 years.
Two daughters, Hanford High School graduates.
Mary, a Deputy Attorney General.
Megan, an elementary school counselor.
Where are you from originally? Schools attended, including high school, college, post-graduate law degrees, etc.
Lived in Kings County for over 35+ years.
University of Southern California, Bachelor of Science Bio/Chemistry.
Whittier College School of law, Juris Doctorate. Passed California State Bar first time.
Was a Certified Criminal Law Specialist for ten years, California State Bar.
Your career, including your jobs. How long have you been an elected official? Elected when, how many times, and where? Jobs you’ve held, other vocations.
RETIRED MILITARY VETERAN, Colonel – 28+ years active/reserves
-Over 200 jury trials: violent criminals, rapist, child molesters convicted
-Four Death Penalty convictions
I prosecuted four death penalty cases and numerous murder cases and supervised six death penalty cases and many life term trials.
I started the violent crime unit, supported a victim’s rights advocate and started an office dedicated to victims.
Community College Instructor Teaching Credential
Adjunct Instructor - College of the Sequoias/West Hills College
FAITH: Christian, attends church weekly
Why are you running for the district attorney’s position (again)?
I am running at the request of numerous people in the community, as well as victims, individuals from within the DA’s Office, and former prosecutors who left the office. The District Attorney’s Office has been gravely damaged by the loss of over 20 experienced prosecutors, including the assistant district attorney (the #2 in the office) Nick Schuller, numerous experienced clerks, and DA investigators in just three years. The loss of over 20 prosecutors has resulted in the loss of over 200 years of experience. Nick Schuller and a majority of the 20 who left indicated they left because of Fagundes’ lack of leadership.
Fagundes’ lack of experience has wasted over $500,000 on a computer system that does not work and has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to fix the system to convert paper files to paperless. Thousands of cases were lost during the conversion and never recovered. In addition to the non-working computer system, Fagundes has withheld the truth from the board of supervisors by telling them it works. As a result, the office accumulated a backlog of over 3,000 cases that have not been filed timely and the courts are clogged because of the frequent continuances and late filings. The office has completely failed its ethical and prosecutorial duty by failing to file over 300 plus cases as the result of lack of prosecution within the statute of limitations; which caused said 300 plus cases being dumped for failure to file; including numerous DUIs, assaults, thefts, agriculture crimes, etc.
The office has the lowest conviction rate in the history of the Kings County DA’s Office, and over 35 murder cases have been backlogged (highest in the history of the office) with over 20 to 30 continuances for two to three years. The Hanford Sentinel reported that the murder rate in 2016 doubled. This is due to Fagundes' low conviction rate and continuances of murder cases for years.
Achievements? Awards or honors?
RETIRED MILITARY VETERAN, Colonel – 28+ years active/reserves
Army Overseas Service Ribbon
Meritorious Service Medal – awarded twice
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Outstanding Unit Service Medal – awarded twice
Legion of Merit
What in your opinion are the major issues facing Kings County residents now and in the future? What must be done to ensure Kings County is successful and meets the demands of the next few years?
The office has failed its philosophical duty to protect victims as exemplified by the unconscionable plea bargains as indicated by the following cases:
-People v Curt Rideout Meyer, Case #15CM8765, three children, 24 counts alleging child molestation related charges with an exposure of 3 life terms plus. Plea deal; Dismissed 21 counts, credit for time served, probation. (Hanford Sentinel 4-8-16; Fresno Bee & ABC News 11-8-15; 11-9-15)
-People v Troy Dion Bailey, Case #16CM0206, murder charge RE: 11-month old baby died as a result of a broken arm, a fractured skull, and massive brain swelling; death penalty eligible. Plea deal; 6 yrs. Dismissed Murder charges. (Hanford Sentinel 10-27-16; 3-6-17)
-People v David Wayne Frye, Case #17CMS088, one child, nine counts alleging child molestation related charges, exposure of 16 yrs.-life. Plea deal; Dismissed eight counts alleging child molestation related charges, three yrs. Probation credit for four days jail time served.
The office has had numerous dismissals, hung juries, and not guilty jury trials (Jones murder not guilty), and plea bargains. Time to return ethics, integrity, and honesty back to the DA’s Office. Stop the Plea Bargains that let alleged child killers and alleged child molesters go free.
I never had a case reversed or dismissed due to misconduct.
I Support the death penalty, and I will stop the 20 to 30 continuances and years of delays.
My opponent has continued the Todd Pate (alleged murder of his wife) cases over 30+ times and has had the Todd Pate case in the office for over 3½ years and not set for a jury trial. Joe Acala (allege murder of his girlfriend) case has been continued over 20+ times and in the office over 2½ years and case continued again until October 2018. Over 35 murder cases have been backlogged (highest in history of the office. I WILL STOP THE CONTINUANCES AND DELAYS. JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.
My opponent has never prosecuted a death penalty case and prosecuted fewer the 15 felony jury trials.
I will vigorously prosecute with ethics, integrity, and honesty on behalf of law enforcement and stop the plea bargains. My first priories are to support public safety and the steadfast protection of victim’s rights.
Final thoughts? Is there anything you want to say that hasn’t been asked?
I have the most experience: I was the District Attorney for eight years, a supervisor/prosecutor with 30 years of experience, over 200 jury trials, five years law enforcement experience with LAPD Crime Lab (CSI), retired military veteran/Colonel.
Time to return ethics, integrity, and honesty back to the DA’s Office.
Fagundes abused his power and persecuted an innocent mother, Veronica Brouwer, for the alleged death of her two-year-old daughter. According to a sheriff’s official “No visible injuries were found.” (Fresno Bee June 29, 2017) Veronica Brouwer spent six months in jail and was released only after Judge Barnes dismissed the case for lack of evidence. (Hanford Sentinel December 13, 2017) The case should never have been filed.
Fagundes has dispensed favors to political contributors and those who have supported his campaign. JUSTICE IS NOT BLIND UNDER FAGUNDES. No more political deals, I will bring justice, honesty, and integrity back to the office.
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