West Hills Lemoore hosts ceremony for on-campus food pantry on March 16

From West Hills College Lemoore
West Hills Lemoore hosts ceremony for on-campus food pantry on March 16

West Hills College Lemoore is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its on-campus Golden Eagle Food Pantry on March 16, 2022, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., in the campus Student Union (Building 900).

The pantry is a collaborative project supported by Kings Community Action Organization, CalViva Health, and West Hills College Lemoore, and it will provide groceries at no cost to WHCL students.

“At West Hills College Lemoore, we take a holistic stance on student support,” said West Hills College Lemoore President James Preston. “We are looking to support students in and out of the classroom and try to eliminate any potential barriers to student success.”

 Preston went on to say that for many students, one of these barriers can come in the form of food insecurity.  Offering groceries on campus, free of charge to students, helps the college fight against student hunger and food insecurity. 

“When our students are well fed and not worried about where their next meal will come from, they are more likely to stay focused and engaged and ultimately are more successful in the classroom,” continued Preston. “We are grateful to our community partners and to our community college system office for providing us with resources so we can directly support our students.”

Prior to the partnership with KCAO and CalViva, WHCL offered food distribution to hungry students and the community twice a week via donations from local area businesses.

“We are excited to help West Hills College Lemoore take their food pantry to the next level,” said Savino Perico, Community Development Manager with Kings Community Action Organization. “Our mission at KCAO is to help provide programs that develop self-sufficiency in individuals, families, and communities within Kings County. Helping to create a grocery-like setting on-campus at WHCL, where students can take home the food they need to feed themselves free of charge, is a game-changer for students!”

Students and the public are welcome to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Lunch will be provided while supplies last. For more information about the event, contact Amber Avitia, Coordinator of Student Support Programs and Engagement at 559-925-3704 or via email at amberavitia@whccd.edu.

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