Veteran Bill Jamison on bagpipes and a contingent of Kings County Marine Corps League members will be featured in the Veteran’s Day celebration of the Lemoore Seventh-Day Adventist Church next Saturday, Nov. 12 at 10:30 a.m.
According to Pastor Jose Alarcon, the program includes a thank you to the League for service to the church. And Chaplain Raynard Allen, D MIN, of Naval Air Station Lemoore, will add a veteran's tribute with “living a life of success.”
“We’ll have a full two hours remembering America's veterans in a salute to the five service branches as well as music from the Armona Union Elementary School, taps, and several patriotic songs of the nation,” Alarcon added. “While the event is called “vet’s day,” it is for everyone who honors America.”
“The program will be important to our detachment,” Glenn Hatfield, Commandant of the League, made up of former active Marines, said. “The public sees what we do locally – including 1,000 family flags at Memorial Day in Armona cemetery -- but this will be the first time we’ll be part of the celebration and be honored too.
“This will give us a chance to recognize two of our Marine League members lost in the last few weeks when we sound our detachment’s bell in honor of Michael Spicer and Allen “Doc” Short, both of Lemoore.”
Following the program, a hosted lunch will be served, giving presenters a chance to meet guests and thank veterans for their service.
The church is located at 1035 E. Hanford-Armona Road in Lemoore. The public is invited to attend.