Rep. Valadao sponsors annual art competition for 2023
The Artistic Discovery Contest is an opportunity to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and our congressional district.
“The Congressional Art Competition is a great opportunity for students across the Central Valley to showcase their talents and creativity,” said Congressman Valadao. “I’m incredibly excited to see all the different pieces this year’s artists submit.”
Students must submit their artwork and a student release form by 5:00 pm PST on Friday, May 5, 2023.
The challenge winner will have their artwork displayed for one year in the United States Capitol Building and be invited to attend a winners’ reception in Washington, D.C., during the summer of 2023. Students must be in high school (Grades 9-12) to participate.
The artwork must be two-dimensional. Each framed artwork can be no larger than 26 inches high, 26 inches wide, and 4 inches deep. No framed piece should weigh more than 15 pounds.
Accepted mediums for the two-dimensional artwork are as follows:
• Paintings: oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc.
• Drawings: colored pencil, pencil, ink, marker, pastels, charcoal (It is recommended that charcoal and pastel drawings be fixed.)
• Collages: must be two dimensional
• Prints: lithographs, silkscreen, block prints
• Mixed Media: use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, watercolor, etc.
• Computer-generated art
• Photographs

All additional rules and regulations can be found here.
Before submitting their work, students should review the Student Submission Checklist, found here.
To submit your art, please send a high-resolution picture of your artwork (jpeg format) and the Student Release Form to by the deadline. All submission or rule questions should be directed to Olivia Speno at or by calling (202) 225-4695.
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