June was a pretty good month for local educators, especially a few educators from Liberty Middle School and the Lemoore Elementary School District. A contingent of teachers and administrators from the local school district earned a sort of working vacation, traveling to Washington, D.C. in June for a conference that honored their recent achievements. Keep reading...
Lemoore area students are sharpening their pencils and dusting off their notebooks in anticipation of their return to school this week. Lemoore High School students return to classes on Wednesday, August 15 while Lemoore Elementary opens its doors to students Tuesday, August 14. Keep reading...
The end of the local school year brought joy to students preparing themselves for summer vacation, but it also brought well-deserved recognition to the Lemoore Elementary School District (LESD). Keep reading...
Lemoore High School has begun its latest step in implementing Measure L, the $24 million bond measure passed by local voters in 2016. Renovation of the school’s 50-year-old stadium started this week as school officials closed the facility to the public. Keep reading...
There were plenty of high fives at Friday’s (March 16) celebration of Liberty Middle School’s colorful ceremony celebrating its recent designation as a California “School to Watch,” a unique honor given to California’s high-performing middle schools. Keep reading...
Students, staff, administrators, and parents of the Lemoore Union Elementary School District – and especially Liberty Middle School – have earned some well-deserved recognition. The local middle school was recently named a “School to Watch” by the California Department of Education. Keep reading...
Nov 2 2017 - 12:40pm
Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino recently hosted its October Community Breakfast and presented a check for $12,900 to Links for Life, a non-profit organization focusing on the positive, that assists people and families affected by breast cancer through programs, services, and education. Keep reading...
Nov 2 2017 - 12:39pm
The Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino is proud to announce the 98 Degrees Christmas show, scheduled for Thursday, November 16. The sold-out concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Keep reading...