Rest assured that once he retires on June 30 from his current job as the Lemoore Elementary School District Superintendent, Rick Rayburn has no plans to return to his old job – at Disneyland. Instead Rayburn, who has spent his entire adult life in education, spending much of the ‘70s and ‘80s as an elementary teacher in Anaheim and then as an administrator in Lemoore – and as the superintendent since 2008 – has decided to spend his upcoming free hours writing, traveling, spending time with family and getting involved in the community. Keep reading...
Lemoore Union High School District’s Jamison High School has been a California State Board of Education Model School since 2010, and continues its impressive string of honors when it again was named a 2016 Model Continuation High School by State Superintendent Tom Torlakson. Keep reading...
Lemoore’s two high schools finished No. 1 and No. 2 in the Kings County Academic Decathlon, the conclusion of which was held Saturday afternoon in the Lemoore High School cafeteria. Judging by the final results, the winners were no doubt decided well before the conclusion of the Decathlon’s concluding event, the Super Quiz. Keep reading...
Lemoore High School sent 17 students from the Virtual Enterprise class at Lemoore High School to compete at the 20th Annual Virtual Enterprises Trade Show in Bakersfield on January 14 and 15 and managed to come away with a few honors. Keep reading...
The Lemoore Future Farmers of America has been around a long time, almost as long as the National FFA – ever since its inception in 1928, when Calvin Coolidge was president and just months before the onslaught of The Great Depression; it’s been around even longer than Kings County Supervisor Joe Neves. Keep reading...
The new Common Core test scores are in and judging by the overall reaction, many statewide and local school officials are considering the low scores a baseline, from where students and districts can only improve - and it’s going to take a lot of improvement. Keep reading...
A national newspaper has named West Hills College Lemoore the top community college in Northern California based on criteria including university transfer rate, student-faculty ratio, affordability and distance education. Keep reading...
Governor Jerry Brown signed a revised version of the budget this week. Local Assemblymember Rudy Salas worked to secure vital resources for the Central Valley in the budget; including $5 million for public safety infrastructure in the cities of Avenal, Corcoran, and Lemoore in Kings County. Keep reading...
Assemblymember Rudy Salas is betting the Central Valley, particularly Lemoore and Kings County, will win in this year’s state budget, which Salas and his fellow lawmakers approved this week. The $117.5 billion budget faces a few obstacles, particularly from Governor Brown, who wields line-item veto power and can slice just about anything from the budget. Keep reading...
Martin Maldonado, an Avenal resident and business owner, has been appointed to the West Hills Community College District Board of Trustees. He will fill the spot left vacant by the recent resignation of long-time trustee Edna Ivans and will finish out her term, which expires in November. Keep reading...