Lemoore Councilmembers, at their Tuesday meeting, will consider a staff proposal to continue services with CrisCom, an economic development and consulting firm. City officials are considering a $60,000 agreement with the firm, which has already been working with the year for over a year.
Just a year ago, August 2014, city officials contracted with CrisCom for their efforts to provide much-needed funding for the Lemoore Police Department’s proposed dispatch center. Recently, city officials say they recently received nearly $1 million to build the dispatch center, partly thanks to CrisCom, who lobbied heavily for the state funding.
The 2015 proposed contract will continue its work with the police department as well as help to identify viable funding sources for the city as it adds governmental affairs services to the contract.
The city council also approved an additional agreement with CrisCom in October, 2014 for business development and attraction, with the hope of spearheading an effort to attract business to Lemoore.
The business attraction consultant services will cost the city $42,000 annually while the public safety government relations services are $18,000 annually for a total of $60,000 for both services for the year.