Veterans can take advantage of truck driving courses at West Hills

From West Hills College

Veterans and veteran’s dependents and spouses interested in learning about truck driving will soon be able to take advantage of a free course offered by the Westside Institute of Technology (WIT) and West Hills Community College District.

In conjunction with the City of Avenal and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a truck driving course will be offered in Avenal to prepare qualified veterans, veteran’s spouses and dependents to take the DMV Class A license exam and earn their Commercial Driver’s License. The 240 hour, six-week long class will focus on giving students the knowledge and skills to land both local and long distance truck driving jobs.

“With so many veterans returning from duty, it is imperative a concentrated effort be made to offer re-training opportunities to the members of the United States Armed Forces,” said David Castillo, WIT Director and WHCCD Director of Special Grants. “Through funding made available by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, West Hills Community College District is proud to assist by providing free truck driving courses to veterans, their spouses, and dependents in their efforts to transition back to home life.”

Students will learn about air brake systems, log book requirements, types of trailers, laws and regulations, safety, and will receive both classroom instruction and hands-on driving experience. Additional instruction time will be available if needed.

The course will begin on Oct. 19 and will run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Scout House in Avenal.

For more information, call or email WIT at 559-934-2169 or

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