Lemoore US Postal Carriers deliver the goods to Lemoore Christian Aid

Updated 7 years ago By Ed Martin, The Leader Editor
A volunteer inspects goods delivered to Lemoore Christian Aid by Lemoore postal service letter carriers.
A volunteer inspects goods delivered to Lemoore Christian Aid by Lemoore postal service letter carriers.
Photo Contributed

Lemoore’s letter carriers, also known as the United States Postal Service National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), on May 13, did a lot more than just deliver the local mail. They spent their day picking up food - for a very good cause.

In addition to making their usual deliveries, local letter carriers picked up nearly 2,500 pounds of food, left by area residents, all part of the Postal Service’s Annual Food Drive to help fill local food pantries. In this case, the carriers’ largess will directly benefit Lemoore Christian Aid to provide food for those in need.

Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect the goodness and compassion of their postal customers, who participate in the NALC Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive — the largest one-day food drive in the nation.

Led by letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO), with help from rural letter carriers, other postal employees and other volunteers, the drive has delivered more than one billion pounds of food the past 24 years.

Carriers collect non-perishable food donations left by mailboxes and in post offices and deliver them to local community food banks, pantries and shelters. Nearly 1,500 NALC branches in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands are involved.

Lemoore Christian Aid has been busy. Last year the local charity organization served a total of 3,718 families (11,191 people) with food and clothing.  Although many of their clients reside in Lemoore, they also serve families and individuals from Stratford, Armona, Riverdale, Huron, Kettleman City, Corcoran, Avenal, and NAS Lemoore.  To avoid duplication of services, they do not serve families living in Hanford, but rather, refer them to St. Vincent de Paul for similar services.

"This particular food drive falls at a crucial time of year for LCA," said Executive Director John Benton.  "Most drives are done around the holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas - when our hearts are generally geared towards giving.  During late spring through early fall most people's energy is geared towards the great outdoors, graduations, weddings, vacations and family times.  This is rightfully so and it is good for everyone."

Lemoore US Postal Carriers deliver the goods to Lemoore Christian Aid

Benton added that hunger, however, is not afforded the luxuries of time off, as for too many, it is a 24/7 existence, even in the United States.  "The shortfall of donations causes our food budget to climb considerably during this season," he said.  "Once the weather cools and lives return to normal, donations and food drives begin again and the financial burden is lessened." 

Unfortunately, hunger is still a huge issue in Kings County! It really does “take a village” to address this issue.  The folks at LCA, like Benton, feel that they are fortunate to have the support of individuals, churches, organizations, businesses, and volunteers who donate their resources and their time to serve those in need. 

Also, all profits from Lemoore’s downtown ReNewed Thrift Shop are donated to LCA for the purchase of food.  Therefore, when locals donate gently-used clothing and household goods to, or shop at ReNewed, they are indirectly helping to do battle against hunger. 

With 49 million people facing hunger every day in America, including nearly 16 million children, this drive is one way you can help those in your own city or town who need help.


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