An attendant can't keep children away from their returning fathers as a pair Naval Air Station squadrons return home after a long deployment.
Photo by Gary Feinstein
Naval Air Station Lemoore welcomed home on Tuesday Carrier Air Wing Seventeen and Strike Fighter Squadrons VFA-22, VFA-94, VFA-137, and VFA-146 after a nearly seven-month deployment to the Western Pacific with USS Nimitz and Carrier Strike Group (CSG-11).
The two squadrons were welcomed home by family and friends on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 27-28, and of course, will feature both the aviators who flew home on Tuesday, followed by the 1,000 Sailors on Wednesday who help keep the Navy fighter jets in the air.

Kelly McGuire holds a sign for her husband, Nick, as VFA-22 lands Tuesday morning at NAS Lemoore after a long deployment.
Photo by Gary Feinstein

The morning was all about hugs and roses for the families reuniting after a long deployment.
Photo by Gary Feinstein