Thanksgiving Community Dinner at Senior Citizens' Center hopes to top last year's count

This event is open to the public and seniors, single folks, military personnel and their dependants and those that have no place to go are welcome. Take-outs and free home deliveries are available in the Lemoore and Hanford area for anyone who cannot make it to the dinner’s location. For home delivery simply call 633-0666 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day and a meal(s) will be delivered to your home.
Home deliveries are limited to four meals per household. For take-outs, come to the Senior Center on Thanksgiving Day to order and pick-up meals. The meal will be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, dressing, and green beans and dessert. This Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner is an event where people from all economic levels and all walks of life, can come together for a special meal.
This free dinner is made possible thanks to the generous donations of many individuals, service organizations, churches and businesses; with special thanks to the Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino.
This is an opportunity to donate to a local charity and help feed people in our area. Last year over 1,900 meals were served, 388 of them were home deliveries and over 800 were takeout. This is all made possible thanks to the many volunteers who donate their time to help make this event a success. Volunteers and donations are welcome, if you wish to volunteer please contact Margaret Lohry at 585-1034 or send an E-mail to If you wish to make a donation please contact Walt Kendall at 924-1484.
For more information visit our website at:
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