Lemoore education, in a way, was one of the big winners at Tuesday night’s Excellence in Education Awards ceremony held at Hanford’s Civic Center. When all was said and done, Kings County’s top administrator and employee both hail from Lemoore. Keep reading...
There are three finalists from Lemoore left as the Kings County Office of Education plans to announce its Excellence in Education Awards for 2019 on Tuesday, April 2 at the Hanford Civic Center. The Excellence in Education Awards will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Keep reading...
Liberty Middle School students, Xitlali Siguenza, and Diego Lopez Rodriguez were big winners at the 3rd Annual Regional Speech & Debate Tournament. Xitlali came away the big winner, finishing first. Keep reading...
The Lemoore Union High School District this week received a double-dose of good news. One of its schools – the Lemoore Middle College High School - earned perhaps California's top award for excellence on Feb. 27 when the state’s education department named it a California Distinguished School. Keep reading...
Lemoore High School got a nice present Wednesday from Powerade, a division of Coca-Cola. Local Powerade officials presented Lemoore business teacher, Scott Bueller and several students with a check for $2,000 as a student body of about 2,000 watched. Keep reading...
Ray Moore can afford to take a break. Personable and hard-working, Moore, 69, owned and managed Lemoore’s Fosters’ Freeze restaurant for the past 30 years, and at an age well past Social Security requirements, he’s decided now that maybe it’s time for retirement, and maybe a vacation. Keep reading...
This year has been an unusual political season in Lemoore. For the first time in the town's 118-year history, its citizens – at least some of them – will be voting in newly-formed voting districts. Since 1900 the town’s voters have elected their councilmembers at large, every two years. Keep reading...
West Hills College Lemoore is known for its innovation and fast growth, and during the current academic year, that reputation continues with the launch of several new programs designed to meet the needs of industry in the region and put students to work. Keep reading...