A typical first responder, on a normal day, might respond to 15 or 20 calls, the majority of them for medical aid. Firefighters, paramedics, police officers, and deputies typically don’t have a choice when the alarm goes off. Keep reading...
Lemoore’s regular school year today (April 3) has for all practical purposes ended – or at least the normal classroom attendance portion of it. Local districts will continue the educational process, including providing daily lunches for their students. Keep reading...
The Lemoore Union High School District announced today (March 13) about 5 p.m. that it would be closing its schools and sending its students home beginning March 16 and continuing through April 14. It was only after monitoring for several weeks the "direction and guidance" of various agencies keeping watch on the coronavirus that school officials made the weighty decision to keep kids home. Keep reading...
When Lemoore’s local school districts decided to close their schools, they set generally set a return date of April 14 for students to return to classes. That prospective return date, as of this week, may have to be adjusted, according to a myriad of factors, say local school officials. Keep reading...
Lemoore’s area school districts appear to be planning for possible school closures related to the proliferation of the coronavirus. The Lemoore High School District sent an email message to its staff today (March 12) asking them to prepare for a possible school closure. Keep reading...
Liberty Middle School was recently recognized by Solution Tree for its sustained success in raising student achievement. The school’s successful implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students. Keep reading...
A Lemoore High senior and the school’s NJROTC student commanding officer, Brianne Lopez, picked up a prestigious award recently. On Jan. 21, the talented student accepted the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award in a special presentation held at Visalia’s Lamp Liter Inn. Keep reading...
Over 250 children and adults took got an early Christmas present Saturday morning when the Lemoore Stadium Cinemas and the Kings Lions Club sponsored the annual Movies with Santa. The only admission was four cans of food. Keep reading...
Santa’s Elves come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. It’s a well-known fact that Santa, who without fail, generally finds his way to Lemoore every Christmas, and he’s come to depend on his local help to get the job done. Keep reading...
Lemoore Presbyterian Church has always been in the business of saving souls, and for the past year, it’s been helping to educate them, specifically providing local middle school teens meaningful lessons on life, a sort of tutoring service for the mind – and of course the soul. Keep reading...