There is something very noble when a community’s residents give up their free time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or lead a pack of hearty senior citizens on a brisk walk. Volunteers don’t serve for pay, they just want to help, and they don’t expect anything in return, only the scant knowledge that they may have done a little something to make their community a bit better. Keep reading...
Not much has changed in the space of a year as to how well California’s and Lemoore’s students are performing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) online tests given to high school 11th grade and elementary school students. Keep reading...
There was a full house at the Fialho Family Hanger on 18th Avenue as the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce honored a pair of Kings County Agricultural supporters. The local chamber honored local Congressman David Valadao and Kings Fair Manager Angie Avila for their ongoing efforts to promote agriculture. Keep reading...
The Lemoore Chamber of Commerce announced this week that local Congressman David Valadao and Kings Fair Manager Angie Avila are this year’s honorees at the 23rd Annual Jack Stone-Kings County Salute to Agriculture Banquet. Keep reading...
Kings County’s assembly member, Rudy Salas, was joined Monday (June 5) by Portuguese community leaders from Kings County and throughout the state to celebrate Portuguese Heritage Month and promote the history of Portuguese heritage and to recognize contributions made by the Portuguese community via Assembly Concurrent Resolution 52 (ACA). Keep reading...
Hanford’s Sierra Pacific High School teacher Robert Isquierdo Jr. was recognized this past Friday May 12, by the Tulare County Hispanic Leadership Network which honored the local educator at its annual Educational Leader Awards ceremony. Keep reading...
Twenty-eight-year-old Ritch Ruiz, a Lemoore High School graduate, admits that while attending LHS, he may not have been one of the school’s most accomplished students, but the 2006 graduate earned his diploma, and then faced with an uncertain future, began his search for meaning in a complicated but welcoming world. Keep reading...
Lemoore city officials, responding on Friday (Feb. 3) to a homeowner’s concerns about the loss of water services at his home on Hill and C streets, discovered an underground pipe leak, which if left unchecked, could have led to a dangerous sinkhole in downtown Lemoore. Keep reading...
The new semester is nearing at West Hills College Lemoore and, with it, the opening of a new place for students to study and socialize: a brand new Student Union. Keep reading...