When there are residents in need, there are Lemoore people to help. On May 18 a fire at the Tanglewood Apartments sent residents scrambling out of their apartments and into the driveway as the sudden fire roared through at least 16 apartments causing so much damage that the entire apartment block was condemned.
The end result was a number of families, including children, were displaced by the fire. Lemoore residents were quick to respond as they donated food, clothing and other items to the victims. The Kings Lions Club helped to organize the effort and it all went to Lemoore Christian Aid, which disbursed it to victims.
LCA Director John Benton told The Leader that Lemoore Christian Aid received so much assistance that it filled the organizations small complex as well as its back yard. Lemoore Christian Aid is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and LCA will only accept clients from the Lemoore area, which includes the base, Stratford, the Island District, Lemoore and its surrounding area.