Hundreds turned out for the MIQ Fall Festival on Sunday. It was a perfect day as MIQ greeted who came to show support by eating cotton candy, bidding on auction items, and generally having a good time. One of the highlights had to be the dunk tank where some of Kings County’s top lawmen showed their support for Measure A.
There were plenty of law enforcement officials on hand, from Kings County District Attorney Keith Fagundes to Sheriff Dave Robinson and Lemoore Police Chief Darrell Smith, all of whom dared would-be pitchers to strike a target and dumping them into a large cauldron of cold water.
Measure K, a local tax measure to support Kings County public safety is on the Nov. 8 ballot in Kings County. It's expected to generate about $4 million annually through a quarter cent sales tax. Lemoore's share of the tax receipts would be approximately $675,000 per year - all for public safety.