Three seats will be up for grabs in the November 8 Lemoore City Council election. The filing period to run for those seats opens July 18 and closes August 12 according to Lemoore City Clerk Janee Venegas. Keep reading...
Local government and law enforcement officials are gearing up for a Kings County ballot measure to beef up local public safety, and it will include increased funding for police, Sheriff and fire services. The measure, labeled as Measure K, will be on the June 7 California election ballot and will require two-thirds voter approval, not an easy task in Kings County considering the conservative bent of local voters. Keep reading...
The Lemoore City Council gave a big thumb up to a local ordinance designed to prohibit marijuana cultivation, delivery and dispensaries within the city limits - and a possible thumb down to California’s progressive trend toward regarding the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana favorably. Councilmembers voted Tuesday night 4-1 to effectively prohibit such use within the city limits of Lemoore. Only Councilmember Billy Siegel voted against the ordinance. Keep reading...
The Leader was told last week by sources that longtime Recreation Director Joe Simonson was placed on administrative leave by Lemoore City Manager Andi Welsh. Welsh declined to confirm that it was Simonson who was placed on leave in a phone call to her office on Monday. Keep reading...
Lemoore City Council members will meet Tuesday night in a joint session with the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors in an effort to discuss “topics of interest” for both parties. According to a council staff report, there are a number of areas in which the two parties can work together. Keep reading...
A very small percentage of Lemoore’s voters turned out Tuesday to vote for the Area 4 West Hills College District Director position, and according to unofficial results from the Kings County Elections Department, former Lemoore City Councilmember Bobby Lee narrowly beat out the appointed incumbent Len Falter. Keep reading...
Believe it or not, Lemoore area voters will be casting ballots on Nov. 3, the only item on the ballot being an election for the Area 4 West Hills Community College District Board of Directors. Three candidates have officially filed to compete in the election. Voter pamphlets have already been mailed and will include three Lemoore area residents: Bobby Lee, retired Navy, Len Falter, the current incumbent, who was appointed to the position, and Sophia Aguilar, a registered dental hygienist. Keep reading...
Lemoore High School named its new royalty at Friday night’s annual Homecoming game. The day began with the annual Homecoming parade in Lemoore’s downtown and culminated with the halftime ceremony held that night in Tiger Stadium during the Lemoore and Redwood game, which Lemoore won 41-6. Keep reading...